


Much of the beautiful photography you see on our website and print materials comes from two local photographers. We have been honored to engage these talented artists to captures images of Heartwood. Please contact us before using any images or video found on this website.

Andrea Ragan (A Ragan Photography)

Jeff Fay (



At Heartwood Preserve, we value sharing ideas and gaining new insights through ties to peers within the burial services and conservation communities.

Following are profiles of some of these related organizations:

Audubon Florida

An interactive network of conservationists that works to bring people together to appreciate, enjoy, and protect birds and nature.

Conservation Burial Alliance

A dedicated group of owners, operators, advocates, and partners working together to support the protection, restoration, and sustainable management of conservation land that incorporates natural burial cemeteries.

Death Cafe

A group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counselling session. At a Death Cafe people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death. The objective is ‘to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives’. Heartwood has hosted the West Pasco Death Cafe since 2017.

Florida Native Plant Society (FNPS)

Dedicated to the preservation, conservation, and restoration of Florida’s native plants and the natural communities that support them.

Florida Wildflower Foundation

Protects, connects and expands native wildflower habitats through education, planting, conservation and research. We have enjoyed supporting this organization and have hosted their field trips in 2017 and 2019.

Green Burial Council

An independent, tax-exempt, nonprofit organization working to encourage environmentally sustainable death care and the use of burial as a new means of protecting natural areas. The GBC has developed the first standards and eco-certification program for burial groundsfuneral homes and burial products.

Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park

Offers visitors a variety of outdoor recreational activities including: birdwatching, camping, fishing, hiking, horse riding, bicycling and skating in  a wilderness-type setting. The north side of Heartwood Preserve borders this magnificent public treasure.

Nature Coast chapter of FNPS 

Celebrates the native plants of Pasco County, Florida, and hosts a variety of fun field trips, plant sales, and informative meetings in nearby Land O’Lakes.

Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery

Located near Gainesville, Florida, it is the state’s first conservation cemetery. Operated by Conservation Burial Inc., Prairie Creek follows the certification standards of the Green Burial Council. The cemetery property, including all burial areas, is maintained as conservation land. Proceeds of burials are used to purchase and conserve land for future generations.

Tampa Bay Conservancy

A land conservation organization devoted to protecting the region’s natural, agricultural and scenic heritage.

West Pasco Audubon Society

This local chapter of Audubon Florida, offers regular programs and field trips at Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park, our conservation neighbor to the north side of the Preserve. We have also hosted bird outings and talks.