Mindful Meditation – Led by: Ulluminair

Heartwood Preserve 4100 Starkey Blvd, Trinity

NOVEMBER 16 10am Led by Ulluminair A self-proclaimed hippie, Ulluminair is originally from Northern California, where she first developed an interest in the healing arts. From offering Reiki treatments at a complementary clinic for women with advanced cancer to cooking in a macrobiotic kitchen, Ulluminair spent her early twenties pursuing a "spiritual" life, only to realize that the true work of health and healing is an ongoing, inward journey. After earning graduate degrees in public health and sociology, Ulluminair joined the faculty at the Judy Genshaft Honors College at USF where she teaches courses that cultivate emotional intelligence.     Whether you are a regular practitioner or new to mindfulness meditation, we invite you to join us each month for an hour of quiet sitting and walking. This is a secular form of meditation, and all are welcome. PLEASE BRING: A yoga mat or towel Chairs provided if needed Indoors ** No pets please. Only on-duty Certified Service Dogs are allowed. Even the very nicest of pets can be a disruption to others. **

Heartwood Preserve