Death Café: May



What (in the world) is a Death Café?!
We are a friendly discussion group with no agenda, no objectives, or themes. Thoughts, feelings, and experiences are all relevant.
We are not a grief support or counseling session of any kind. 

Many report that participating in Death Cafés reduces their anxiety about death and dying (their own or their loved ones’), which can enhance the way we live in the present. Most people leave feeling connected and uplifted. Our hope is to have a safe place for people to come and make this more of a necessary conversation. Trying to make this topic not ‘taboo’.

Please ** No selling of any kind.


The large gathering room at Heartwood Preserve will Sponsor & host this event: coffee, tea & desserts will always be served.

· FREE!!!

· NOT on ZOOM.

· Ages 17+

· RSVP 727-376-5111

· BRING: an open mind, good attitude.

Read more about Death Cafés’ HERE (might help you, before you come!)

Questions? Want to RSVP?
Call us: 727-376-5111

~Diana & Lindsey


Death Café January

JANUARY 31, 2021
4 PM – 5:30 PM
The Welcome Center @ Heartwood Preserve
4100 Starkey Blvd.


What is a Death Café?
We are a group of people, often strangers, we gather to eat cake, enjoy tea and discuss death. It’s that simple
A Death Café is a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counseling session.
A Death Café is a scheduled, non-profit get-together to escape the taboo of discussing death & dying.

We are participating in the Death Café movement, a life-affirming international social franchise started 9 years ago by Jon Underwood in London and later popularized by Lizzy Miles in the United States. Underwood developed the Death Café model based on the ideas of the Swiss sociologist Bernard Crettaz who, together with his anthropologist wife, studied funeral rites in their town and other cultures. When Crettaz’s wife died in 1999, he initiated meetings in local bistros to talk about death.

Death Cafes have spread quickly! As of today, there are 11552 Death Cafes in 73 countries since September 2011.

Death Café has no staff. We are run on a voluntary basis.

So, join us, your local WEST PASCO DEATH CAFE! Let’s chat… and eat delicious cake!


RSVP REQUIRED. No walk-in’s.

Not on ZOOM.

Bring your mask.

Call with questions (727) 376-5111
or email

Need to know more? Visit:

Death Cafe October

Did you hear?

We had from the Tampa Bay Times join us during August’s Death Cafe! Read her story about us here: At the Death Cafe, the topic is dying with a side of cake


Join us for our

October Death Cafe!

OCTOBER 15, 2020
7 PM
4100 Starkey Blvd., TRINITY


What is a Death Cafe?

At a #DeathCafe people talk about death over tea and cake. Over 11,000 Death Cafes have been held in over 73 countries. A group of people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, enjoy tea and discuss death. A Death Cafe is a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes.

It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counseling session.

A Death Cafe is a scheduled, non-profit get-together to escape the taboo of discussing death & dying.

Death Cafes are still somewhat unusual because death has always been a subject that people rarely to discuss… until someone gives you a comfortable place to do so.

Join us… let’s chat… and eat delicious cake!



Not on ZOOM.

Bring a mask.

Hosted by Diana & Justin

Call with questions (727) 376-5111
or email

Need to know moreWWW.DEATHCAFE.COM

FACEBOOKWest Pasco Death Cafe