Mindful Meditation


Every 3rd Saturday: Save the date/details to follow


Mindful Meditation

August  21 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am


Join us: Mindful Meditation

 SAT., AUG. 21 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Whether you are a regular practitioner or new to mindfulness meditation,
we invite you to join us each month for an hour of quiet sitting and walking.
This is a secular form of meditation and all are welcome.
Your Guide: Maggie 
Maggie Tudor was introduced to formal meditation in 2003 in Zen and Taoism.  For years, she studied and practiced in several traditions and lineages, continuously exploring and seeking wisdom.  In 2018, Maggie was introduced to Buddhism in the Plum Village Tradition and has made it a daily practice ever since.  Outside of meditation practice, Maggie is a professor at the University of Tampa and is a Certified Mental Performance Coach where she consults and works with teams, groups, and individuals.